Penerapan Slow Stroke Back Massage dan Aroma Terapi Lavender untuk Menurunkan Nyeri Kronis Pada Pasien Kanker Servik

  • Desy Shelia Fitriani Universitas Widya Husada Semarang
  • Rahayu Winarti Universitas Widya Husada Semarang
  • Heny Prasetyorini Universitas Widya Husada Semarang
Keywords: pain, slow stroke back massage, lavender aromatherapy, Nyeri, Aromaterapii Lavenderi



Nyeri merupakan keluhaniutamaiyangidirasakanioleh penderitai kankeri serviksi karenai pertumbuhani tumori, efeki proseduri diagnostiki, dani pengobatani yangi sedangi dilakukani secarai berulang-ulangi. Nyerii yangi dirasakan akuti maupuni kroniki dengani kategorii skalai nyerii ringanisampai dengan berati. Salahi satui carai untuki mengurangii nyerii yaitui tekniki slowi strokei backi massagei (SSBM) dani aromaterapii, penelitiani inii bertujuani untuki mengetahuii keefektifani penerapani slowi strokei backi massagei dani aromaterapii lavenderi  untuki menurunkani nyerii padai pasieni kankeri serviksi.

Metodei deskriptifi dengani desaini pendekatani studii kasusi asuhani keperawatani. Subjeki padai penelitiani yaitui duai responden kankeri serviki yangi mengalamii nyerii skalai ringanidan sedangi. Instrumenti yangi digunakani yaitui lembari observasii kuesioneri penilaiani nyerii PQRSTi dani pengukurani nyerii NRSi (Numericali Ratingi Scalei) dani standari proseduri SSBMi dani aromai terapii lavenderi. Penelitiani dilakukani padai tanggali 18i junii 2023i sampaii 20i junii 2023i dengani pelaksanaani seharii satui kalii selamai 10i menit111111.

Hasili penelitiani menunjukkani bahwai setelahi dilakukani terapii slowi strokei backi massagei dani aromaterapii selamai tigai harii i keduai responden i mengalamii penurunani skalai nyerii. Responden  pertamai mengalami penurunani tingkati skalai nyerii darii 5i menjadii 1i dani responden keduai mengalamii penurunani tingkati skalai nyerii darii 6i menjadii 1i. Penerapani terapii SSBMi dani aromaterapii lavender dapat menurunkan tingkat nyeri pada pasien kanker serviks



Katai Kuncii : Nyerii, Slowi Stokei Backi Massagei, Aromaterapii Lavenderi



Pain is the main complaint experienced by cervical cancer sufferers due to tumor growth, the effects of diagnostic procedures, and treatment which is being carried out repeatedly. The pain felt is acute or chronic and is categorized as a scale from mild to severe. One of the ways to reduce pain is the slow stroke back massage (SSBM) technique and aromatherapy, this research aims to find out the effectiveness of applying slow stroke back massage and lavender aromatherapy to reduce pain in cervical cancer patients.

Descriptive method with a case study design approach to nursing care. The subjects in the research were two respondents with cervical cancer who experienced pain ranging from mild to moderate. The instruments used are observation sheets, questionnaires, PQRSTi pain assessments and pain measurements, NRSi (Numerical Rating Scale) and standard SSB procedures and lavender aroma therapy. The research was carried out from 18 June 2023 to 20 June 2023, carried out one day at a time for 10 minutes.

The results of the research showed that after undergoing slow stroke, back massage and aromatherapy therapy for three days, both respondents experienced a decrease in their pain scale. The first respondent experienced a decrease in the pain scale level from 5i to 1i and the second respondent experienced a decrease in the pain scale level from 6i to 1i. Application of SSBMi therapy and lavender aromatherapy can reduce pain levels in cervical cancer patients

Keywords : pain, slow stroke back massage, lavender aromatherapy


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