Description Of Sedentary Lifestyle, Stress And Obesity On Degenerative Diseases Of Household Mother In Brimob Pasadena Religion

Gambaran Gaya Hidup Sedentary , Stres Dan Obesitas Terhadap Penyakit Degeneratif Ibu Rumah Tangga Di Asrama Brimob Pasadena

  • Heny Prasetyorini Akademi Keperawatan Widya Husada Semarang
Keywords: Sedentary Lifestyle, Stress, Obesity, Degenerative Disease



Degenerative disease is a decrease in health conditions due to many factors including obesity. Obesity increases the risk of getting a number of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Housewives have a greater risk of being overweight. Factors that cause obesity include not doing physical activity so that fat burning decreases, sedentary lifestyle has side effects that are harmful to health. Because of lack of physical activity
the muscles in the body will relax. Sagging muscle will inhibit blood circulation and aggravate the work of the heart, in Australia shows a relationship between stress and increased consumption of food this will lead to various kinds of degenerative diseases. Objective: to describe the sendentary, stressful and obese lifestyle towards the incidence of degenerative diseases in housewives at the Pasadena Mobile Brigade Dormitory Method: This study is a descriptive study,
sampling using an Acidental sampling technique, the instrument used by questionnaires SIT-Q7d and DASS and taking BMI measurements. Results: An overview of moderate sedentary lifestyles, Body Overweigt Index, and severe stress on housewives can increase the incidence of degenerative diseases such as Hypertension and Diabetes Militus and Overview Most degenerative diseases experienced by housewives are high blood pressure



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Author Biography

Heny Prasetyorini, Akademi Keperawatan Widya Husada Semarang

AKPER Widya Husada Semarang
Jl Subali Raya No 12 Krapyak Semarang Kode pos 50146
Telp. (024-7612988)
