Penerapan Pemberian Rebusan Daun Sirsak Untuk Mengatasi Ketidakstabilan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Di Kelurahan Mijen
Fenomena diabetes mellitus di masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa pasien diabetes mellitus masih banyak mengguunakan pengobatan dengan cara terapi farmakoloogi. Selaain terapi farmakoologi, terapi non farmakologi bisa menurunkan kadar glukosa daraah pada pasien diabetes mellitus. Salah satu terapi nonfarmakologi yang dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah adalah dengan terapi pemberian rebusan daun sirsak. Ketidakstabilaan kaadar glukosa darah adalah variasii damana kadar glukosa darah mengalami kenai ikan atau penurunan gula darahh darii rentang normal yang disebuut dengan Hiperglikemia. Salah satu tindakan penatalaksanaan ketidakstabilan kadar glukosa darah yaitu dengan pemberian rebusan daun sirsak. Tujuan studi kasus ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Asuhan keperawatan pemberian rebusan daun sirsak pada pasien diiabetes mellituus. Metode studi kasus yanng digunakan yaitu asuhan keperawatan paada pasien diabetes mellitus dengan ketidakstabilan kadar glukosa darah dengan terapi penerapan pemberian rebusan daun sirsak. Jumlah sempel dalam studi kasus ini sebanyak 2 responden diabetes mellitus. Hasil studi kasus menunjukkan bahwa ada perubahan ketidakstabilan kadarr glukosa darah paada pasien diabetes mellitus setelah diberikan intervensi rebusan daun sirsak selama 3 hari. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari kedua responden bahwa penerapan pemberian rebusan daun sirsak mampu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah pada pasien diabetes mellitus. Hasil studi menunjukan penurunan kadarr glukosa darah yang awalnya 363 mg /dl dan 262 menjadi 346 mg/dl dan 256 mg/dl.
Kata kunci : Diabetes Mellitus , Ketidakstabilan kadar glukosa darah , Daun sirsak.
The phenomenon of diabetes mellitus in the community shows that many patients with diabetes mellitus still use pharmacological therapy. In addition to pharmacological therapy, non-pharmacological therapy can reduce blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. One of the non-pharmacological therapies that can reduce blood glucose levels is by giving soursop leaf decoction therapy. Instability of blood glucose levels is a variation in which blood glucose levels increase or decrease in blood sugar from the normal range which is called hyperglycemia. One of the measures to manage the instability of blood glucose levels is by giving soursop leaf decoction. The purpose of this case study is to determine the nursing care of soursop leaf decoction in patients with diabetes mellitus. The case study method used is nursing care for patients with diabetes mellitus with unstable blood glucose levels with the application of soursop leaf decoction therapy. The number of samples in this case study was 2 respondents with diabetes mellitus. The results of the case study showed that there was a change in the instability of blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus after being given the intervention of soursop leaf decoction for 3 days. The conclusion obtained from the two respondents was that the application of soursop leaf decoction was able to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. The results of the study showed a decrease in blood glucose levels from 363 mg/dl and 262 to 346 mg/dl and 256 mg/dl respectively.
Key words : Diabetes Mellitus, Blood glucose level instability, Soursop leaf.